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Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy is out to reach, inspire, and affect all members and segments of the community, regardless of their background, to help them grow and find the truth and meaning in their lives. Through our various educational programs, classes, and events, we aim to bring as many of our brethren as possible closer to their heritage and legacy. Our staff members are handpicked for their devotion and dedication to the cause, as well as for their talent and capabilities. Torah Ohr: building our future upon the treasures of our past. 


Rabbi Avraham Kohan, Rabbi

Rabbi Avraham Kohan is the Rabbi of Torah Ohr, the home of numerous Torah shiurim and classes from beginner to advanced levels and Jewish educational programs, complete with a Bet Midrash and Bet Kenesset to serve all members of the Great Neck Jewish community.

Rabbi Nisim HassonAssistant Rabbi


Rabbi Ariel Darvish, Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Ariel Darvish was born into our own community in Great Neck.  While he was still young, his family made Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael where he attended Yeshivat Imrei Mordechai under the tutelage of Harav Abuhatzeira Shlit"a and Harav Mordechai Malka Shlit"a, as well as Yeshivat Rinat Hatorah under the leadership of Harav Ezra Nissan Shlit"a.  Rabbi Darvish is also an attorney, with his JD from Fordham University School of Law.  Rabbi Darvish's mission is to, with Hashem's help, enhance and further promote the Torah growth in our community, and help those interested to develop their learning, analytical, and spiritual skills to higher levels.

Rabbi Sendy Shulman, Assistant Rabbi

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Shulman spent his yeshiva years at Yeshiva Sholom Shachna, the Mir Yerushalayim attending Rav Asher Arieli’s shiur, and Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. He continued to study for several years at Kollel Hora’ah of America under the leadership of Rav Mordechai Eisenberg and the guidance of Rav Reuven Feinstein. He received Semicha Yoreh Yoreh from Rav Reuven Feinstein and from Rav Moshe Heinemann, as well as an additional Semichat Chachomim from Rav Reuvein. Rabbi Shulman’s goal is to bring a high-level understanding of the Torah to Jews of all levels, and to create vibrant and cohesive learning chaburot.

Rabbi Yoni ChamaniYeshiva Youth Director

Rabbi Yoni Chamani learnt in Yeshivat Ateret Torah under Chacham Yosef Raful Shelita. 

After he got married, he received his semicha from Yeshivas Torah Vodaath. He is currently involved in chinuch and helping to spread the beauty of the Torah and Mitzvot.

Rabbi Yehuda Elyaszadeh


Rabbi Yehuda Elyaszadeh was born and raised in Flatbush, NY, attending Yeshivat Ohel Torah for elementary and high school. After high school, he continued his Torah education in Yeshivat Noam HaTorah in Yerushalayim under the auspices of Rabbi Dovid Amon. Rabbi Elyaszadeh then learned in Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. After getting married, he returned to Yeshivat Noam HaTorah in Yerushlayim for Kollel. Rabbi Elyaszadeh strives to imbue a love and passion for Torah learning while promoting a dynamic and vibrant Makom Torah where everyone can feel comfortable learning at their own level.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785