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Philanthropist Project

In order to bring more Torah, Kedusha and Bracha to our community, I would like to partner with Torah Ohr to support its educational projects that preserve and guarantee the future of our community.

For PLAN B donations, click here to be redirected.

Pledge will be paid in monthly installments and completed by October 2, 2024. First installment (displayed above) will be paid upon completing the form. that Torah Ohr should continue to educate and inspire.

This contribution will cover any approved pledge that I make, beginning from Rosh Hashana 5784 (Sept. 16, 2023), through the 29th of Elul 5784 (Oct. 2, 2024).

For every $1 payment, $1.20 credit will be applied. Your contribution can cover the following for the one year period listed above: Pledges made toward Aliyot • Dedication of Learning • Breakfast Fund • Yissachar Zevulun Partnership • Sefarim Dedications • Shabbatons • Father/Children Learning Sponsorship • High Holiday Seat Reservation • Lecture Sponsorships
Any pledges made in excess of the commitment above will be added to the original commitment in order not to violate the prohibition of ribbit. Although the contribution can be used toward the kibbudim listed above for a period of one year only, I understand that the spiritual merits of supporting this Torah institution will be everlasting. Donation can be paid in full at any time, or in monthly installments.

In the merit of your dedication, may you and your family have much Bracha, Hatzlacha, Health, and Happiness. May Hashem shower you with blessings in all your worthy endeavors.

Members of the Philanthropist Program are invited as our Guests at the Gala Shabbat Hagadol Shabbaton. More info will be sent out closer to.


"כל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה, הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם" 
As a token of appreciation for your commitment to the growth of Torah in our community, Torah Ohr will be offering prayers each Shabbat Mevarchim by the open Heichal to appeal to Hashem to grant your request.

Please indicate if it is for a Shidduch, Shalom Bayit, Hatzlacha in Torah, Refuah Shleima, etc.
Please clearly indicate Hebrew names, ben/bat a parent. 
Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784