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Shireinu Application Form 2024

This will be used as primary email for all communications. 
Name and Phone
To apply for more than 3 children, email
Please select what applies. Please Note: Absolutely no cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices are allowed to be brought.
Please select what applies. Please Note: Absolutely no cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices are allowed to be brought.
Please select what applies. Please Note: Absolutely no cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices are allowed to be brought.
Allergies, Special Conditions, Concerns, Etc. 
Should we form a group, a separate application form will be sent out following acceptance.
For First-Time Applicants


At Shireinu, girls are expected to dress appropriately, in accordance with the Torah laws of modesty. 

These and any other Tzniut rules enforced by the establishment must be abided by. Cooperation is necessary. Note that these rules and any other policies enforced are strictly for the benefit of our girls, and to bring honor to the Name of Hashem. 


1. Absolutely no iPods, mp3s, cell phones, smartwatches, or any other electronic devices are permitted to be brought to Shireinu, besides for a non-internet-capable camera. If seen, they will be confiscated and the child will be suspended.

2. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY FULL PAYMENT in order for the application to be processed. Checks may be post-dated thru August 2024.

3. We offer early bird prices to make the job of the office easier. Early Bird prices are ONLY valid if we receive the application and full payment by March 18, 2024.

4. You will receive an Admission Pass once all forms and payments are submitted. Children will NOT be permitted on the first day without an Admission Pass.

5. REFUNDS: THERE IS NO REDUCTION OR REFUND OF FEES DUE TO ABSENCE, ILLNESS OR WITHDRAWAL, including unforeseen circumstances, (e.g. canceling, suspension, etc.). No replacements (giving your slot to someone else) will be allowed for cancelations. 

6. The Medical Form (click to download) must be submitted by May 14, 2024. Exam must be after August 22, 2023.

7. The Early Bird Special and Full Summer Rate are not available to first half attendees who decide to remain for the second half (or vice versa). 

8. Parents will be held responsible for any and all medical bills incurred, ח”ו, during the summer.

9. Torah Ohr / Shireinu Summer Program will not be held responsible for any personal items that are either lost, stolen, or left behind throughout the summer.

10. Torah Ohr / Shireinu Summer Program reserves the right to remove or suspend a child from the program at their discretion. Payments may or may not be refunded. 

11. Although we will have, ‘בעזרת ה, an amazing itinerary, we do not guarantee swimming.

12. Shireinu T-shirt: Girls must wear the Shireinu T-shirt for all trips. T-shirts are $20. RXL Division has their own shirt and it is $20 as well. More info will be sent out following acceptance.

13. Early Dismissal & Off-Days: Please note, there will be a 12:15 PM dismissal on the following days: Lunch will not be served. • Thursday, July 4th    • Tuesday, July 23rd: Fast of Shiva Asar B’Tamuz         • Monday, August 12: Erev Tisha B’Av   • There will be NO SESSIONS on Tuesday, August 13th – Tisha B’Av



My daughter(s) has/have permission to attend Shireinu Summer Program, a division of Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy, and take part in all activities, trips, etc.
  1. This agreement releases Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy and all its staff or volunteers from all responsibilities and liabilities relating to injuries that may occur, G-D forbid, during the summer program, both on or off the Torah Ohr campus, regardless of whether the injuries are caused by negligence or not.
  2. By signing below, I forfeit all rights to bring a lawsuit against Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy or any of its staff or volunteers for any reason.
  3. Pictures and videos taken at our exciting events may be posted on Torah Ohr's website, posters within the shul, in flyers, emails, etc. By signing below, I am giving consent for my daughter(s) to be included in photographs and videos taken at any event.
  4. In addition, I give my daughters(s) permission to receive emergency medical treatment.
  5. This agreement additionally releases Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy and the owners of the pools Shireinu will be using from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during the use of their pools. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy and the owners of the pools entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence or not. In addition, I acknowledge the risks involved in swimming. These include, but are not limited to, drowning, losing consciousness, injuring oneself, G-d Forbid. I declare that my daughter is participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, my daughter(s) does not have any conditions that will increase her likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.
  6. By signing below, I forfeit all rights to bring a suit against Torah Ohr Hebrew Academy or the owners of the pools for any reason. In return, my daughter(s) will receive access to their pools along with Shireinu Summer Program. My daughter(s) will also make every effort to obey safety precautions. I will ask for clarification when needed.


Payment must be made in FULL in order for the application to be processed.

-Checks may be post-dated through August 2024.
-Credit Card payment plan may be set until August 30, 2024.
   In Cuties Division (1-3 Grade) ONE HALF ONLY
   In Cuties Division (1-3 Grade) FULL SUMMER
   In Shireinu (4-7 Grade) ONE HALF ONLY
   In Shireinu (4-7 Grade) FULL SUMMER
   In Rina XL Division (8 Grade) ONE HALF ONLY
   In Rina XL Division (8 Grade) FULL SUMMER
Please indicate how many children you are applying for, which session, and in which divisions. 
Pricing for Cuties Division (1-3 Grade)
  First Half Second Half Full Summer
Early Bird (until March 18) $1,425 $1,425 $2,800
Regular Price $1,475 $1,475 $2,900
After April 15 $1,555 $1,555 $3,060
After May 27 $1,665 $1,665 $3,280
Pricing for Shireinu (4-7 Grade)
  First Half Second Half Full Summer
Early Bird (until March 18) $1,495 $1,495 $2,915
Regular Price $1,545 $1,545 $3,015
After April 15 $1,625 $1,625 $3,175
After May 27 $1,735 $1,735 $3,395
Pricing for Rina XL Division (8 Grade)
  First Half Second Half Full Summer
Early Bird (until March 18) $1,550 $1,550 $2,995
Regular Price $1,600 $1,600 $3,100
After April 15 $1,680 $1,680 $3,260
After May 27 $1,790 $1,790 $3,480
Payment can be dropped off at the Torah Ohr Office (hours below). 
Checks may be post-dated through August 2024. Payment can be mailed or dropped off at the Torah Ohr Office (hours below). 
Please upload a picture of your Check / Checks in order to submit application.
Please upload a screenshot of your Zelle payment confirmation in order to submit application.

All proceeds go towards The Camp Fund, allowing children from our community the opportunity to thrive and flourish in a summer program and grow in ways they are not able to during the year.
Donations are tax-deductible. 

Due May 14, 2024
Exam date must be after August 22, 2023.
Forms and payments may be mailed or dropped off at the Torah Ohr Office, 
581-D Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, NY 11023. Office Hours: 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Mon-Thurs
QUESTIONS? or (516) 441-7776
Mon, October 7 2024 5 Tishrei 5785